The Cracked Cup
Coffee now contains 20% more holy water
2 years ago

S1E18 - The Ministry and Buddhism Episode

Liz preaches about why certain Buddhist monks should be less preachy

2 years ago

S1E17 - The Food and Bodies Episode

You know what's a beach body? A body on a beach.

2 years ago

S1E16 - The Theme Episode

In which Anne and Liz talk about last year and their hopes and dreams and a random story about Jon’s indoor spear.

2 years ago

S1E15 - The Not Church We Helped Build, and Why.

In which Anne and Liz discuss the perils of resting I love you face, the dumbest things bought online, and an incredible project dear to both of their hearts.

2 years ago

S1E14 - Hokus Pokey and Shenanigans

In which there are many practical jokes and creative edits, and the issue of who is Mirth and who is Dignity is left unsettled.

2 years ago

S1E13 - This episode contains 20% more Holy Water

We talk about unwrapping gifts from our past selves, Anne DOES remember things Liz thinks she won’t, and we tell the story of carrying a word across the country.

3 years ago

S1E9 - An Abundance of Commas

And pigeon rats. Functionally, these are the same thing.